I never wanted to live an unembellished life...

"I never wanted to live an unembellished life, and I have never done it.... Living under such a compulsion has been like painting pictures of life,


Life for me has been exactly...

"Life for me has been exactly what I thought it would be—a cake, which I have eaten and had too."

Margaret Anderson quotes


As I look at the human story I see two stories...

"As I look at the human story I see two stories. They run parallel and never meet. One is of people who live, as they can or must, the events that arrive; the other is of people who live, as they intend, the events they create."

Margaret Anderson quotes


The great thing to learn about life is...

"The great thing to learn about life is, first, not to do what you don't want to do, and, second, to do what you do want to do."

Margaret Anderson quotes


I began reviewing my life in relation...

"I began reviewing my life in relation to its objectives. I saw no objects, I saw only states."

Margaret Anderson quotes


I have a life that did not become...

"I have a life that did not become, that turned aside and stopped, astonished:"

Archie Randolph Ammons quotes


Risk is full every living thing in siege...

"Risk is full: every living thing in siege: the demand is life, to keep life: the small white blacklegged egret, how beautiful, quietly stalks and spears the shallows, darts to shore to stab."

Archie Randolph Ammons quotes


Life is divided up into the horrible and the miserable

"Life is divided up into the horrible and the miserable."

Woody Allen quotes


To my fancy one looks back on life...

"To my fancy, one looks back on life, it has only two responsibilities, which include all the others: one is the bringing of new life into existence; the other, educating it after it is brought in. All betrayals of trust result from these original sins."

Henry Brooks Adams quotes
